You can become a Certified Nursing Assistant in Illinois, then go on to a Nursing Program. The CNA program begins in January on the Moraine Valley campus, with lecture and lab sessions Monday through Thursday from 1 to 3:15 p.m., along with five clinical sessions on Saturdays from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students are responsible for transportation to Moraine Valley and clinical sites. Successful completers will receive seven college credits and qualify for the State Competency Exam in June. Moraine Valley’s Basic Nurse Assistant Training Program is approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health.


ACT/SAT scores must be submitted to MVCC. The college will accept the actual score report or a student’s transcript. 

BNAT Coversheet/Checklist

BNAT Dual Enrollment Acknowledgement Form

BNAT Health Care Worker Background Check

High School Authorization Form

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