MACS Annual Report
FY23 MACS Joint Budget Agreement
Participation in MACS Programs
Per Perkins V SEC. 217. [20 U.S.C. 2397], To the extent practicable, upon written request, permit the participation in such programs of career and technical education secondary school teachers, administrators, and other personnel in nonprofit private schools offering career and technical secondary education programs located in the geographical area served by such eligible agency or eligible recipient.
IMRF Employers’ Participation Notice
Purusant to Illinois Public Act 101- 504, beginning January 1, 2021, Illinois school districts and other local taxing bodies are required to post the following link on their websites which contains information about all IMRF employers’ participation in the fund.
Other LEAs within the region will be offered the opportunity to participate in the MACS programs, and assurances of their determination will be kept on file.
MACS Whistleblower Policy
MACS Whistleblower Hotline – (708) 424-2000, Ext. 2701