High school students are allowed to take the placement exam, prior to the applications being due, under certain conditions –
  • The student completes Moraine Valley’s admission application and pays the $25 application fee (This will give them an MVCC Student ID).
  • Once the student has an MVCC ID, they can make a placement exam appointment. The placement exam fee will be $25, which is charged after the 1st exam.
  • No placement exams can be administered without an MVCC Student ID number and/or MVCC Username. Students must present current, physical, government issued photo ID on test day (high school ID, state ID, driver’s license, or passport). Digital copies or photos of IDs are not valid. Students will not be able to sit for the exam without a physical photo ID card.
Math Placement testing
  • First attempt is practice only. Attempts labeled “Unproctored” will not count for placement. Students will have access to customized prep and learning modules (3 hours will be recommended, not required, before starting proctored attempts). The practice attempt and prep and learning modules can be taken anywhere with internet access.
  • Students will then be able to take up to 3 proctored attempts on campus only. Time spent in prep and learning modules between proctored attempts will be required.
EMT Program Requirements
  • 19 on the ACT Reading test or 480 on the SAT Reading and Writing test OR *ACCUPLACER Reading placement score above RDG-089
    • The Accuplacer reading exam can be taken up to two times, the minimum reading score required is a 240 or higher.
      • A score of 240 to 247 = Must take RDG-089 with EMS-101, in the same semester.
      • A score of 248 or higher = No reading course required.
  • Course does not guarantee high school or high school graduation credit.  Must speak with your counselor.